Trends to be Monitored by a Social Media Agency for Growth

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With how the current market trends are followed, and the vast majority of people spending hours on various social media platforms, it is safe to say that social media plays a crucial part in everyone’s life. Especially for brands that are looking to grow, targeting the right social media audiences is crucial. Hiring a social media agency in Delhi for your brand’s growth can be beneficial for properly planned and structured growth.

Given the current market trends, businesses and marketers are utilising social media platforms for getting more access to a larger audience. But there’s a catch, as there is a lot of competition on social media and standing out amongst them is difficult, what businesses usually do is hire an agency to keep track of various industry trends and also ensure that various strategies are followed to get what’s needed. If you’re looking for a social media marketing agency in Delhi, you can choose from a long list of leading agencies, but make sure to choose one that understands your brand and creates plans accordingly.

Various Trends That Are Monitored Currently

The various trends that agencies are currently monitoring to ensure proper growth across various social media platforms are:

  1. Brand Authenticity will Play a Crucial Role

As the consumer mindset is ever-evolving, a lot of people demand a brand to be authentic. These days customers demand businesses to nurture human connections and transparency and build an emotional connection with the brand. The connection that brands build with consumers, goes a long way to build a better brand reputation and better sales figures. Customers expect transparency from the brands while also maintaining a good social media presence that has a positive impact.

  1. The Use of Social Media Platforms as Shopping Outlets will Remain Popular

Over the years, it has been seen that a lot of people have been purchasing products directly from various social media platforms, mainly Facebook and Instagram. With a steady increase in the number of people purchasing from social media, it will see an upward trend in popularity. However, some brands may find it difficult to remain relevant to cater for audiences across these platforms and that’s where hiring a social media agency in Delhi can prove to be helpful if you’re looking for additional help to increase reach and sales using various strategies and campaigns.

  1. AI will Play a Big Role in Recommending Posts

With the advancement of AI, brands can expect a lot of content across various platforms for increased user engagement. What AI brings to the mix is the simplification of product marketing by recommending related products to consumers who might be interested in a particular product.

  1. Interactive Ads Will Gain Popularity

With the advancement of AI, the use of AR and VR will make it more interesting in terms of user engagement. Filters have provided a gateway for brands to elevate the shopping experience for their audiences. What this does is help brands advertise their products and also increase the brand’s engagement with their audience.

  1. Social Media is the Future of e-Commerce

With social media having the option for users to interact with the brand via messaging and comments and also allowing the users to save posts for later, this has allowed brands to stay relevant. With the interaction from brands proving to be an important part of the whole process, taking the services of a social media agency in Delhi can help a brand achieve good growth through positive ORM.

Although there are a lot of different ways in which brands can stay relevant, a lot of it comes from the strategies used by agencies to create specific campaigns that allow brands to generate a lot of leads and stay relevant. If you’re looking to hire a social media marketing agency in Delhi you can consider the various services they provide in order to understand what trends the brand has to follow.


Various trends are monitored by agencies to ensure that your brand stays updated. From brand authenticity, the indulgence of AI, interactive ads and more, it is important for brands to stay relevant. Hiring a social media agency in Delhi can help you achieve positive growth and stay relevant to the current market strategies and trends.